We think EVERY week should be Climate Week, but this year, climate advocates around the world will be officially celebrating Climate Week from September 20-26.
Thanks to our member organizations, there will be a wide array of climate-focused events and activities happening around the region during the week: educational webinars; advocacy and organizing opportunities; a book discussion; a composting demo; a rally and march; an eco-fair, and more! See the full menu of offerings and opportunities below— and check back, for new ones will almost surely be added!
Monday, September 20
Citizens Climate Lobby-Rochester Monthly Meeting (7:00-8:30 p.m.)
Tuesday, September 21
HeatSmart Finger Lakes North webinar:
Making Heat Pumps Affordable (5:30-7 p.m on Zoom)
Investing in Your Home is an Investment in Your Health (9-10 a.m.)
This live panel will discuss the impacts of housing on physical and mental health, the health benefits of energy-efficient homes, the long-term effects of lead paint on health, and available grants and resources.
Thursday, September 23
AMPED: Go All Electric Campaign Launch
Bookmark the coming website and sign on to AMPED social media:
linkedin.com/company/ampedgoallelectric; facebook.com/Ampedgoallelectric
Heat Smart Monroe Open Advising Hours (4:30-6:30 p.m. online)
Get valuable info on super-efficient electric heat pump systems!
Friday, September 24
Rochester Energy Democracy People’s Power Rally & March (4:30 p.m.)
Organized by Metro Justice
Saturday, September 25
National Drive Electric Week at Rochester Institute (10 a.m. -2 p.m.)
Sunday, September 26
Color Brighton Green Eco-Fair (9 am-1 pm)
Launch of the Green Games (Sept. 26-Oct. 2):
hosted by Rochester Youth Climate Leaders and Color Your School Green
A regional challenge that introduces students to climate issues and solutions,
and challenges them and their school districts to take action.
Schedule and Toolkit
Rochester Area Vegan Society Vegan Potluck and Presentation:
Lifestyle as Medicine (5:30 pm)
Monday, September 27
Climate Reality Project-Finger Lakes Chapter Book Club Meetup:
Discussion of Doughnut Economics. (7-8 p.m.)
Zoom link (Meeting ID: 926 2795 7489, Passcode: NYRocks)
Tuesday, September 28
Introduction to Community Land Trusts (6-8 p.m.)
Hosted by 540 WestMain