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Keeping People (& the Planet) Cool: A-C in a Warming World

With record-shattering heat roasting much of the country, and extreme heat increasing in our own region from climate change, heat-related health crises are also on the rise, especially among low income and people of color--populations that experience even more extreme heat in their neighborhoods, and more hurdles to having air conditioning. More people now need and will need air conditioning to adapt.

Ironically, most traditional air conditioning systems actually increase the heat in neighborhoods and across the planet, and create even more severe heat-related public health impacts.The good news: this cycle can be broken with available clean cooling technology and energy conservation!

Our HeatSmart Monroe clean heating and cooling campaign is hosting a free July 27 webinar that will discuss the compounding climate and public health problems worsened by our prevailing air conditioning systems; and introduce you to the heat pump technologies and incentives available to cool your building without heating up the neighborhood, your neighbors, and the planet!

July 22

Heat Smart Monroe Open Learning Hours

August 6

Rally in Albany: Fossil Free Education, Fossil Free Future!